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MacBook Pro Speaker Not Working [Fixed]

MacBook Pro Speaker Not Working [Fixed]

Many MacBook Pro users have reported problems with their laptop speakers — they’re not working working properly on their MacBook Pro. If you’re experiencing this problem, don’t worry. You’re not the only one… And you should be able to fix the problem quite easily using one of the solutions we’ve listed below. You don’t have to try them all; just work your way down the list until you find the one that works for you:

  1. Perform basic troubleshooting
  2. Check your audio output settings
  3. Restart the Core Audio process
  4. Update your macOS

Fix 1: Perform basic troubleshooting

This is the first thing you should do when the speakers on your MacBook Pro are not working properly. Here are the things you should try:

  1. Unplug any headphone or external speakers connected to your MacBook Pro.
  2. Is your volume too low? Try turning it up a bit and see if you can hear any sound from the speakers.
  3. Open another program and play some sound on it to see if your speaker problem happens only on a specific program.
  4. Try restarting your MacBook Pro and see if this fixes the speakers.

If none of these works for you, don’t worry. There are still other fixes for you to try.

Fix 2: Check your audio output settings

Perhaps your audio output settings are incorrect so your MacBook Pro speakers are not working. To check these settings:

1) Click System Preferences on your Dock.

2) Click Sound.

3) Make sure Internal Speakers is selected and the Mute option is unchecked, and move the volume slider to the right.

Now check to see if you can play sound with your speakers. Hopefully you can. But if not, then move on to the next fix.

Fix 3: Restart the Core Audio process

Restarting the Core Audio process helps you fix your sound issues. To do this:

1) Click Launcher on your Dock.

2) Click Other.

3) Click Activity Monitor.

4) Select coreaudiod, then click the Force a process to quit (X) button at upper left.

This process will then automatically restart. After that check to see if this has fixed your speakers not working issue.

Fix 4: Update your macOS

Updating your macOS fixes the system bugs that may stop your speakers from working properly. To update your macOS:

1) Click System Preferences on your Dock.

2) Click Software Update.

3) Click Update Now if there is any update available.

4) Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the update process.

Hopefully one of the fixes above has resolved your MacBook Pro speakers not working problem. You’re more than welcome to leave us a comment below if you have any questions or suggestions.

By Jonny Lin

Jonny, a Microsoft Certified Professional, is a technical writer and technology enthusiast. He believes technology should bring users satisfaction, not annoyance, so he writes to help people overcome their tech troubles.

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