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How to Get Free Baby Formula

How to Get Free Baby Formula

The cost of having a baby isn’t cheap in the United States, the baby is adorable and brings a family happiness, but can cost a fortune to raise. It’s nothing wrong to feed your baby with formula, the only problem is the cost. You can expect to pay up to $150 per month according to research. Don’t worry, there’re ways to help you save lots of money.

Method 1: Get free samples

Yes, you can get free formula sample. Some of them require that you qualify as low-income, but others are available to anyone. You can require free baby formula samples from Enfamil and Similac.

CompanyEnfamilSimilacNature’s One
HowSign up for Enfamil’s programJoin the Similac Strong Moms Rewards programChoose free sample options
Free samplesEnfamil Newborn Infant Formula
Enfamil Infant Formula
Enfagrow Toddler Trasitions Formula
Enfamil Newborn 2 fl. oz.
Nursette Bottles
A free set of Belly Badges
Formula checks
Expert tips
Formula samples
Expert nutrition guidance
Baby’s Only Organic free sample options
PediaSmart free sample options

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Method 2: Go to WIC for help

WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) is a government program that aims to safeguard the health of low-income women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutrition risk. This program will provide nutritious foods to supplement diets. Pregnant women, breastfeeding women, non-breastfeeding postpartum women, infants are served. So don’t worry, no matter how you feed your baby, you can get help from this program if you’re eligible for WIC. You can enjoy the benefits, including low-cost or free infant formula and other baby products.

Method 3: Your doctor’s office

Formula companies will give free baby formula samples to hospitals and doctor’s offices. The companies hope doctors will pass on samples to mothers. They hope mothers try free samples, like them, and purchase these products. So you can try to ask your doctor’s office and local hospital for free samples. If they don’t have baby formula, they might have free diapers or free baby magazines, etc.

Method 3: Go to your local food bank

Local food banks not only provide food but also have baby items. You can find the low-cost baby formula and other stuff in the store. Sometimes they even have free baby items. You can call them ahead. But make sure to check the “use by” dates, you wanna the food and items are safe.

Method 4: Use coupons

There’re ways to get brand coupons easily. Coupon will cut off the price directly when you purchases online. You can pick up the phone and call the brand for coupons, or there’re other ways. Check the post below for details.

These posts give specific guides to teach you how to save money while purchasing baby formula.

Another way to get coupons is to ask your local motherhood maternity store. This might be the quickest and easiest way to get coupons. Just walk into the store and ask them to add you to the mailing list, you’ll receive coupons from the store. You can see and touch the products before purchase and it’s easy to change or return.

Method 5: Buy from Amazon

If you like shopping at Amazon, you should not miss the Amazon coupon section. Amazon sometimes will offer specific brand coupons for a limited time, if you have the Amazon coupon for the whole store, these coupons could add and save you a lot.

Don’t forget to create a baby registry on Amazon. These retailers offer freebies and large discounts after you create one.

You can also join Amazon Family to save up to 20% off diapers, baby food, wipes and more. Can be canceled anytime.

Method 6: Find a mom’s group

Find a mom’s group online will help you a lot. You can swap coupons and samples online. Mom’s groups are not only a good way to ask for help but also a warm place to share your happiness and thankfulness to life. There’ll be so many questions and hard time during raising up a child, it’s great to have a place to share your feelings.

If you don’t know how to find a mom’s group in your city, read on to find how.

Type mom’s group + city/town on Google, you’ll know the results. It’s quick and easy to find whether your city have one or not.

2. Library group

If you like to go to city library, you may met new friends at the baby library group.

3. Find on Facebook

There’re all kinds of groups on Facebook, search mom’s group on Facebook and find the one that suits you.

4. Join a MOPS group

MOPS is group that connects moms. No matter you’re a soon-to-be mom, single mom, breastfeeding mom, or first-time mom, you’re welcome in the group. You can talk to other women regularly and get help from each other. Different from other ways, they have an official website and you can call or email them for help.

Tel: 888.910.6677

5. Online swap group

We find two swap groups that you may like.

How to examine the formula

It’s very important to examine the formula before you use it. No matter you get it for free or bought online, the first thing to do is to check the product.

Here’s how:

  1. The date on each container
  2. Damage to the packaging
  3. Changes to the formula’s color, smell and taste


Having a baby will change the whole family, mothers need support from their family, both financially and emotionally. We wish every mom and baby happy and healthy.
If you want to know more about coupons and saving tips, bookmark our site, we’ll share the latest news as soon as possible.

By Iris Zheng

I have worked as a content writer for years and have found great joy and meaning in this profession. As a member of a company's writing team, I have benefited from continuous training and learning opportunities. These experiences have not only improved my research skills and learning abilities but have also enabled me to quickly find valuable and accurate information in the vast sea of data.

My previous work in banking instilled meticulous work habits in me. I carefully inspect and verify information I collect with the aim of providing readers with authentic and reliable content. My skills and cautious nature not only allow me to offer robust support to readers in my professional life but also position me as a source of information and advice for my family and friends in my personal life.

I derive immense enjoyment and a profound sense of accomplishment from assisting others. If my articles are able to assist you in any way, it would be both an honor and a personal achievement. This motivation will continue to inspire me to pursue constant improvement and produce more valuable content.

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